Innovation Groups

NCE Finance Innovation runs and facilitates innovation groups with a strong interdisciplinary focus. The cluster has established three strategic innovation groups that are connected to our strategic areas; KYC & AML, Sustainability, and Open Banking

Our innovation groups are member-driven and led by members. The cluster administration functions as a coordinator and secretary for the various groups.

Our members initiate these groups within-subject matters relevant to the cluster community. The groups act as forums for discussion, sparring, and scoping out potential projects. The innovation groups are a cluster strength, and all members of Finance Innovation are welcome to join one or more groups.

We encourage members who wish to work on specific topics with other cluster members to get in touch with the cluster team. We are happy to provide the tools and facilities to get innovation groups up and running.

Active Groups/


This group has been responsible for developing the cluster's sustainability strategy. The group acts as the clusters advisory board within this field.

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Open Banking & PSD2

By leveraging expertise from banks, startups, tech, and consulting the group is working to solve the complex challenges of modern banking while improving customer experience.

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Know Your Customer & Anti-Money Laundering

Collaborating to improve digital onboarding of customers through improved Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) processes.

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Customer Service Innovation

This is a new working group in the cluster focusing on strategic and innovative solutions within customer services in banking and insurance.


Stellar customer service remains an important challenge in business scalability but is still lacking the same degree of innovation as other business elements. In partnership with AVO Consulting, the Customer Service group has planned a series of events at Mesh Youngstorget in Oslo in the first half of 2022. These events will challenge both the need for customer service and the potential scalability and automation of the customer service function.

Group members: DNB, Tryg, and AVO Consulting
Contact in the cluster: Torstein

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Want to join?

Any member company can initiate an innovation group - just get in touch we'll have a chat!