NCE Finance Innovation is the Norwegian non-profit fintech cluster.
Our mission is to empower a thriving Norwegian Fintech ecosystem by facilitating technological innovation and collaboration within finance and technology. The cluster has roughly 100 member companies and operates nationally through them.
NCE Finance Innovation is a part of the Norwegian Centre of Expertise (NCE) cluster program, supported by the Norwegian Government, Innovation Norway, The Research Council of Norway and SIVA.
Norwegian Innovation Clusters are government supported programs that aim to trigger and enhance collaborative activities in the Norwegian industry. The cluster program is supported by Innovation Norway, SIVA (The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway) and the Norwegian Research Council.
A Norwegian Centre of Expertise is a mature cluster with a national position. The NCE-programme is directed towards industry clusters that have established collaboration between their members and have potential for growth in national and international markets.
Norwegian Innovation Clusters !

The story /
The cluster project was first initiated by the business environment in Bergen in 2017. The goal was to combine powers from finance, technology and academia in order to make Bergen a strong fintech hub in Norway. Since then the cluster has made a lot of progress, experienced rapid growth, and achieved NCE- status in record breaking time.
National scope /
NCE Finance Innovation goes beyond Bergen and includes players throughout Norway. Through members, partners, alliances, and customer relationships, the fintech cluster is closely connected to the industry in other Norwegian cities and neighbouring countries. The cluster also collaborates with other associations within ICT and Finance respectively, and with several regulatory bodies.
The board /
Media kit
Logo (screen)