Job Openings

Looking to create something new within the realm of fintech? Here you can get an overview of the latest job openings in the Norwegian Fintech Cluster.

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Published: 15. Aug 2022

Tech Lead - Vennebetaling

Vipps is looking for tech lead to join the team of Vennebetaling.

Tech Lead

Oslo, Norway Vipps Deadline: ASAP
Published: 20. Jun 2022

Information Security Manager

Quantfolio is looking for an Information Security Manager. They are looking for someone who will provide leadership in the DevSecOps areas of Vulnerability Scanning, Certificate Management, Password Policy Management, Data Analysis of security monitoring outputs, coordination of Remediation Patching, and other daily security and compliance efforts. Additionally, one will assist in developing an automated security framework for robust deployment tools and processes and building a safety culture.

Information Security Manager

Bergen, Norway Quantfolio Deadline: ASAP
250px DNB ASA
Published: 16. May 2022

Risk Advisor/Analyst Financial Crime

Vil du være med i vårt viktige arbeid med å utarbeide rutiner og analyser for å forhindre økonomisk kriminalitet? Hos oss får du en betydningsfull rolle i et spennende og aktuelt fagområde som det satses på!

DNB Deadline: ASAP
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Published: 10. May 2022

Innovation Manager or Senior Consultant

Tryg Group is looking for a new Growth & Innovation Manager and a new Senior Growth & Innovation Consultant for the Nordic Innovation Team for our Copenhagen or Bergen office.

Copenhagen or Bergen Deadline: ASAP
Published: 13. Apr 2022

Utvikler – sommerjobb

Elsker du å kode? Liker du å løse problemer? Vil du være med å forme fremtiden innen finans? Da har vi sommerjobben for deg!

Bergen Deadline: ASAP
Published: 16. Mar 2022

Regional Marketing Manager

We’re looking to build the next big European success story and we need great people to make it happen. We are looking for a motivated marketing professional to help us expand our reach across the Nordics for our Enterprise Business Unit.

Multiple locations Deadline: ASAP
Published: 12. Mar 2022

Commercial Contract Manager

The primary objective of the role is to provide contracting support to enable fast deal closure and support the business to ensure customer and commercial success by professional and smart contracting. We are commercially minded, fast-paced and you will be surrounded by bright and passionate people that love their job and company.

Oslo / Stockholm Deadline: ASAP
Published: 12. Mar 2022

Full Stack utvikler

Med en stor og voksende kundebase, konsesjon som verdipapirforetak, og bred støtte fra næringsliv, politikere og andre interessenter, trenger selskapet i tiden som kommer en sulten medarbeider. En medarbeider som sammen med teamet kan være med på å oppnå ekstraordinære resultater.

Oslo & Trondheim Deadline: ASAP
Published: 12. Mar 2022

Leder for ekspansjon til Sverige og Danmark

Vi søker en nøkkelposisjon for skalering/ekspansjon! I takt med at Folkeinvest har opplevd en stor vekst det siste året, opplever selskapet stor pågang fra andre nordiske land. Våre tjenester kan uten spesielle justeringer leveres også i Sverige og Danmark. Når vi i løpet av 2022 åpner opp for disse landene, ønsker vi oss en medarbeider som kan lede arbeidet.

Oslo & Trondheim Deadline: ASAP
Published: 10. Feb 2022

Senior System Developer

Har du god erfaring med en eller flere av teknologiene .NET, Azure DevOps, Git, Powershell, Visual Studio Code og Docker og vil ta lead er dette stillingen for deg.

Bergen Stacc Deadline: ASAP
Published: 10. Feb 2022

Senior Developer

Liker du å jobbe med nyeste teknologi, i smidige team med hyppige leveranser til våre kunder? Vi ser etter en senior utvikler/arkitekt til å løfte vår arkitektur, som samtidig er hands-on og koder.

Bergen Stacc Insight Deadline: ASAP
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Published: 10. Feb 2022

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

Du vil jobbe tett med markedsføringsteamet i Norge. Sammen vil dere utvikle markedsplaner og aktiviteter, samtidig som dere koordinerer med teamene i Sverige og Danmark. Du vil også jobbe tett med vår Groth Partnerships Manager for Norge og hjelpe til med koordinering og aktivering av partnerskap og arrangementer.

Oslo Lunar Deadline: ASAP
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Published: 10. Feb 2022

Team Lead - Operations

Can you create, maintain, and take a completely new operation unit to the skies? Does your leg twitch from the thought of empowering people to control everything money from an all-in-one platform? Then rest assured that our new position as Operation Team Lead in Oslo is the place for you!

Oslo Lunar Deadline: ASAP
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Published: 10. Feb 2022

KYC & Transaction Monitoring Specialist

As our KYC & Transaction Monitoring Specialist, you will join the start of something incredible - our office in Norway.

Oslo Lunar Deadline: ASAP
Published: 09. Feb 2022

Financial Quant Analyst

As a Financial Quant Analyst your are responsible for the financial methodology used across our platform. This is an important role in the company and you will contribute with competence to maintain and develop new methodology that can be used to take our products to the next level.

Bergen Deadline: ASAP
Published: 09. Feb 2022

Product Owner in Sustainability

As a Product Owner you are responsible for defining visions and requirements for our products with a focus on sustainable finance. You will work closely with a competent team of product owners and developers to design the future of finance- and investment advisory. You have a strong passion for sustainable finance and are curious about how this can be implemented as part of financial ecosystem.

Bergen Deadline: ASAP