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Open Banking & PSD2

By leveraging expertise from banks, startups, tech, and consulting the group is working to solve the complex challenges of modern banking while improving customer experience.

About the group:

The Open Banking-group originated from a successful pre-PSD2 project where banks, lawyers, and tech companies worked together to innovate an inter-bank digital solution. Today the group works with scoping out new innovative and cross-disciplinary projects while sharing knowledge and insights from the industry.

A primary focus of the group is to invite interesting speakers from both inside and outside the cluster to facilitate debates and discuss current events in the fintech industry. Lately, the group has had great success facilitating round-table discussions between banks and fintech to get to the bottom of why the implementation of APIs towards third-party providers is taking so long to develop, and how banks and fintechs can speed this process along by cooperating.

The resource group has also done several events, both physical and digital, where the group sets the agenda and program and contributes on stage. Examples of our more ambitious events are “From PSD2 to Open Banking”, and “The fight to win customers in the SME market” which were filmed in a professional studio due to Covid-19 and streamed to a large audience.

The innovation group consists of representatives from cluster members:

Sparebank 1 SR-Bank
Cicero Consulting / Itera

Group Leader:
Stefan Astroza, CEO of Cicero Consulting
NCE Finance Innovation Coordinator:
Håkon Lavik

Get in touch!

Contact Håkon Lavik if you want to learn more about the Open Banking group, or would like to join (members only).