Innovation Projects

Cluster members in NCE Finance Innovation engage in various collaborative projects, such as our ongoing projects: fraud detection, automated compliance reporting, ESG Data scoring, and more.

Together with our members we continuously scope out potential projects which can be facilitated by the cluster.

Our projects are based on input from members, current trends, regulation, and whatever else that moves in the fintech ecosystem.

Here is a snapshot of our ongoing projects as well as the ones we've completed:  

Ongoing projects/

Automated Compliance Reporting

Nordic financial institutions face increasing regulatory demands in their compliance reporting. Consequently, significant resources are spent on manually delivering the required data to financial authorities, who in turn needs to process the deliveries on their end.

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ESG Rating Model

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) cluster project initiated in 2021 with Quantfol.io, Sparebanken Vest and Sparebanken Sogn & Fjordane.

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Detection of Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud is costing insurers substantial sums each year, which in turn causes increased premiums for honest customers. Developing better measures to detect and prevent fraud cases could therefore have positive impacts on several levels.

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Bergen Harbour project

Bergen Harbour is changing its business model to a more commercial focus.

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Business Model Innovation & Ecosystems For Seamless Transactions In Retail

Retail is undergoing major changes. Can new business models, ecosystems and artificial intelligence uphold employment and maintain diversity in the sector? A new project at DIG at NHH will address these issues and topics.

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Completed Projects/

PSD2 - Speeding up implementation of new EU payment directive

The project facilitated the implementation of a solution for sharing accounts and transactions between the banks Sbanken, Sparebanken Vest and Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane. This was done in collaboration with TietoEVRY (tech) and PwC (legal), a year before it was required legally.

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Get in touch!

Contact the team if you have project ideas and we'll have a chat