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Members Spotlight: Henrik Lie-Nielsen

In this edition of Members Spotlight the torch is passed from Åse Marthinsen (DNB) to investor and serial entrepreneur Henrik Lie-Nielsen. Henrik spends most of his time investing, developing and mentoring new companies, and is part of Tripod Capital Collective situated in the Fintech Hub.

Photo: Private

What's your superpower?

Juggling multiple projects.

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on that you can share with us?

I just made substantial investments in Gothenburg-based companies Devies and Queenslab in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.

What do you believe is the most important factor(s) to succeedwith fintech solutionstoday?

Solving a problem in an exceptionally user-friendly way.

When investing in techstartups, what are the key traits/elements you look for?

First and foremost a credible team - aside from a product that actually has a potential market of course.

Any encouragements toinvestors who currently do not invest in techstartups?

The impact technology is having on society at large should be a big enough reason to set aside some time and money for this asset class – the learning experience alone will probably be worth it long term.

The Future of the industry – What does it look like to you, any predictions or thoughts on what will be important? 

The fast will keep beating the slow. I think this will lead to a more fragmented landscape of companies and services – and increased competition – which ultimately will mean better services for the consumer.

As an investor and founder of many companies what would you say you have learnt the “hard way”?  

Things always take double the time that you thought it will at double the cost. Revenue growth is always slower than anticipated and costs always end up higher.

Are there any fintechs that have impressed you recently or tips on“ones to look out for”? If yes, why are they interesting?

I’m really impressed with Stripe. And one to look out for is Tink (Read more).

You’ve travelled the world and met some exciting fintechs, what learning should Norwegian startups take from their international peers?  

We tend to think too national here in Norway, or Nordic at best. My advice is to think bigger and try to solve global problems rather than local problems!

Is there a service within banking/insurance that you miss? If so, tell us some more!

I’d like my pension funds to be automatically rebalanced according to my original allocation preference. They tend to come out of whack in a matter of months and the self service solutions to adjust the allocation sucks!

5 on the go   

· Name a book that has made a lasting impression on you and that you would recommend to others

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein

· Business motto / personal motto

There’s always a solution

· Anything you wish you knew 10 years ago?
How game changing the iPhone would be come.

· What would you tell students considering a career in this field to think about before entering the workforce?

Start your own company when you’re young and free of obligations.  There’s plenty of time to work for others later if you don’t succeed – and the downside is small.

· Who should we challenge next in the cluster? (Any question you would like us to ask them?)

Øyvind Thomassen at Sbanken. I’d like to know what convinced him to return to the company he built!