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Customers name Sbanken the industry leader in innovation

For the third time around Norwegian customers have named Sbanken the industry leader within innovation according to the Norwegian Innovation Index.

The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII) is published yearly by the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and is the first of its kind measuring how customers perceive both the commercial and social innovativeness in Norwegian companies. For the third time around, cluster member Sbanken is named the industry leader.

For the past 18 years, Sbanken has been the bank with the most satisfied customers.

- With a clear mission to always challenge and simplify services on behalf of our customers, this high score on the innovation index is one of the most prestigious recognitions Sbanken can receive, says Christoffer Hernæs, Chief Digital Officer in Sbanken in a press release.

The Norwegian Innovation Index is the first of its kind focusing on customer-based rankings of companies’ innovativeness. This year’s survey is based on the responses of around 10 000 customers of 80 companies in 20 different industries. Respondents have been asked how they evaluate the different companies’ innovativeness.

- The most innovative companies cover a broad spectre of industries. There is however one common denominator for all innovation leaders: they are creative, groundbreaking and perceived to be a force of change in their respective industries – and the customers notice this, says NHH professor Tor W. Andreassen.

About Norwegian Innovation Index

The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII) measures the degree to which customers view firms as innovative. A high score on this index means that customers perceive a company as a market driver and game changer. The index covers about 10.000 Norwegian consumers from 80 companies in 20 different industries.