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We are looking for sustainable fintechs and corporate initiatives!

Are you a fintech start-up or working on a corporate initiative dedicated to meeting the UN Sustainable Developments Goals? Then hit us up!

Our partner cluster Copenhagen Fintech has reached out to us to help them put together a joint list of Nordic fintech startups and corporate initiatives focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We want to use our platform to help make this happen, so we are issuing a call for relevant Norwegian entries to the list. Specifically, we are looking for:

  1. Norwegian fintech start-ups dedicated to solving one or more of the SDG goals.
  2. Major initiatives towards meeting the SDG goals from the established financial industry in Norway.

All SDGs are relevant, and we welcome any leads on both startups and corporate initiatives.

If you have any leads, please contact us no later than June 25th. The startups and initiatives included in the mapping will be presented at an online Nordic SDG Fintech Exhibition during Copenhagen Fintech Week in September. Additionally, a report based on the mapping will be produced for global investors and corporates.

Help us put sustainable Norwegian fintech on the map!

Photo: Treasury Today