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Executive Fintech MBA is now open for applications

After the great success of the Fintech MBA at the Norwegian School of Economics, we now invite you to apply for the second cohort. The program was developed by NHH Executive, in collaboration with industry leaders in NCE Finance Innovation. The program will start in August 2021.

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Learn more about the Fintech MBA at this webinar, where Associate Professor Eirik Sjåholm Knudsen will give you some insights on the fintech (r)evolution, what it is and why you should care, and how this program can equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to maneuver and handle changes in your industry. Join the webinar on 11 May to learn more.

Why take this MBA?
The purpose of this program is to help you get ready to face future disruptions and challenges in the industry. It is an interdisciplinary program with a highly practical orientation, giving you the needed insights from fields within finance, strategy, technology management, innovation and entrepreneurship, economics, management control, data analytics, management and leadership. Combining practical insights with research and theories will give you the knowledge and tools to create opportunities from future challenges.

Our very own CEO, Atle Sivertsen, has attended the programme. After graduating, he has stated that the program is as close to reality as it can be in terms of relevance. The knowledge he acquired gave him the professional foundation he should've possessed before entering the role as CEO of NCE Finance Innovation. Even though we refer to the crosshair of these themes as fintech, Atle emphasizes how the knowledge and tools help to manage innovation and technology in general, and can therefore be applied in all types of industries.

Previous students include professionals from DNB, Sparebanken Vest, Miles, Finans Norge, Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, Tryg, Finance Norway and fintech startups.

Did this quick read spark an interest? Then you should check out the program.