IMG 1699

Tapping into the future with Itera

Digital specialist Itera joins NCE Finance Innovation. With their vast experience they are already offering value to the cluster ecosystem from the get-go with an insightful seminar on open banking in Oslo.

We met with Odd Khalifi, Director Strategic Accounts & New Markets at Itera, to talk about their ambitions for joining the cluster and what they bring to the table.

What is the reason Itera wanted to join the cluster?

- Itera has a solid footprint in the financial sector, with a customer portfolio and network of both well-established, large companies and innovative startups and clusters. NCE Finance Innovation has an ambition to create tomorrow's financial services and solutions. We have the same ambition for our customers, and are therefore pleased to join the cluster.

Itera is an important and competent contributor when it comes to utilizing the business opportunities brought about by Open Banking and the development of customer centric solutions. We look forward to collaborating with them in our ecosystem.

- Atle Sivertsen, CEO in NCE Finance Innovation

Itera is already collaborating with NCE Finance Innovation by hosting a seminar this fall. Amongst the topics is the future of PSD2 and what it will mean for the average consumer. The seminar will also touch on broadening the scope of what PSD2 could lead to in the future.

What does Itera bring to the ecosystem?

- With almost 30 years of experience from the financial sector, we are looking forward to sharing our insight and experience. As an example, we invite all cluster members to join a free half-day seminar in Oslo September 13th, where Norwegian banks, fintech companies, and key industry players will share their experiences and perspectives on PSD2, Open Banking and the banking industry of the future. The seminar is a joint venture between Itera and Itera’s subsidiary and niche specialist in the banking and finance area, Cicero Consulting.

Stay tuned: Itera, Cicero Consulting and Finance Innovation are planning on hosting a similar event in Bergen this October - don’t miss out on this highly relevant event on the future of PSD2!

About Itera
By combining design and technology they partner with businesses to utilize the untapped possibilities of the future. The last four years, Itera has been named one of Norway's 25 most innovative companies across industries. The company has operations in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Slovakia and Ukraine, where they deliver innovative solutions and services to about 20 countries, including all the Nordic countries. Itera collaborates with local partners to always form the best team for their customers.

Learn more about Itera.