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Sparebank 1 SR-Bank accepted into the Regulatory Sandbox

We're happy to announce that cluster member Sparebank 1 SR-Bank is one of two accepted participants in Finanstilsynets new initiative.

In January and February 2020, NCE Finance Innovation partnered with Finanstilsynet (The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) to promote their new initiative; the Regulatory Sandbox.

The concept is aimed at providing innovators with guidance and flexibility to test out their solutions against the current regulations and has been successful in a number of countries across Europe.

Finanstilsynet ended up receiving 12 applications with two ultimately being accepted for the first iteration of the sandbox. One of these was from cluster member Sparebank 1 SR-Bank who seek to develop a digital solution for customer advisory.

We congratulate Sparebank 1 SR-Bank on getting this far in the process and can't wait to see what you come up with!

You can read the full story here (Norwegian).