Joint collaboration between Finance Innovation and The Norwegian Computer Society

Joint collaboration between Finance Innovation and The Norwegian Computer Society

Finance Innovation is pleased to announce The Norwegian Computer Society (Den norske dataforening) as a collaborative partner of the cluster.

- The collaboration with the Norwegian Computer Society (NCS) makes perfect sense for us as a cluster. It will contribute to increased knowledge-sharing which can be mutually beneficial, says Atle Sivertsen, CEO of Finance Innovation. 

- Our aim is to make Norway a leading nation within IT-competence and the only way to do this is through cooperation. Finance Innovation is an ideal partner for us to achieve this, says Christian Torp, Secretary General of NCS. 

The Norwegian Computer Society is the largest special interest society for information technology (IT) in Norway. It is an open, independent forum for Norway’s IT professionals and advanced IT users. The society encompasses the IT industry, corporations in general and research and development institutions. The NCS is an independent and wholly self-financed society with more than 8000 members, 500 experts from 60 different industries. The major goal of the society is to increase awareness of the possibilities of IT, and to contribute to the advancement of optimal usage of IT for business and society alike.

The two collaborative partners are already in the process of arranging their first collaborative event on Blockchain this year. Stay tuned!

Read more about The Norwegian Computer Society

Photo: Dataforeningen