Aptic new cluster member

Aptic joins NCE Finance Innovation

Software company Aptic is joining the cluster. We asked CCO Finn Dahl a few quick-fire questions to give them an opportunity to introduce themselves.

What does Aptic do?

Aptic is a software provider within the financial services industry, including banking, e-commerce, lending, factoring, debt recovery/collection, leasing, and others.

How do you differentiate from other similar software companies?

Aptic has more than 20 years of business experience and combines this expertise with in-depth knowledge in technology and cutting edge platforms.

Can you tell us about something exciting that you are working on right now?

We are currently implementing Cloudware, a cloud-based platform for factoring, for one of the largest banks in Norway. We have also recently released our Merchant Web, a payment check-out solution for e-commerce and retail. It provides different payment options and can be used in any device and in-store.

What do you think will define Fintech in the future?

We will see AI, AR and Machine Learning to be more widely used, and in our business, be used to analyze customer spending patterns and calculate personalised credit and lending products. IoT will also change consumer behavior and where the financial products need to be in the future.

Why have you chosen to become a member of Finance Innovation, and what do you hope to get out of being a part of the cluster community?

To be inspired by and hopefully also to inspire the members of the community to new innovation. We hope to find new connections and exchange ideas.

What do you hope to contribute to the community?

With our experience withing the financial services industry we will share knowledge from a vendor perspective, as well as contributing to projects concerning our area of expertise.

We could also act as a sounding board and sparring partner to start-ups within the fintech industry.

You can read more about Aptic Norway on their website.