
Postponed: Workshop - Scaleup Strategy

17. April, 18:00 - 23:00
Media City Bergen, The Fintech Hub
Members only

Designed for accelerators, incubators, startup teams, board members, early-stage investors, and anyone dealing with startups and scale-ups – Scale Up! This is a free workshop for members of NCE Finance Innovation.

How can Norwegian Fintech startups scale smarter? How can Norwegian Fintechs raise funding easier, smarter and faster? How can Norwegian clusters support scale ups and building better fintech ecosystems?

Most importantly - how can you use new startup tools to build your company faster?

These topics will be explored in-depth in the hands-on discovery workshop, Scale Up!

“…this was such a valuable training exercise, it should be obligatory in every program. The learning is typically in more detailed handling of investor offers, cap table, term sheets”
- Gro Eirin Dyrnes, Head of Innovation Norway, Americas

Who can attend?

We are inviting all incubator startups and startups in the cluster to join us at the Scale Up! Strategy Workshop in April. Incubator startups are prioritized but other startups in the cluster can join too.

This workshop is free for members of NCE Finance Innovation.
Food and drinks are on the house!



Europe’s challenges – building future ecosystems

Strategy Tools Platform – to build better ecosystems

Five case studies on accelerators and VCs in Europe and US using the Strategy Tools Platform

09:30 - SCALE UP!

Work through the Scale Up! simulation for building better scale ups. Compete with others to successfully scale and raise a winning b-series syndicate.

You will get a hands-on introduction to:

The Scale Up Map

The Long-term Funding Roadmap

The Investor Map


What are the implications and learnings for your startup?

How can you take this into real-life?



Closing of workshop

Detailed Information

What is it?
Scale Up! is a hands-on learning program to develop better scale ups, investors and early-stage ecosystems. It is designed to build ecosystem level skills around entrepreneurship, company development and venture capital.

What do you get?
Hands-on learning experience in how to develop a scale up strategy, build the right capital strategy and secure investors. Three new strategy tools for startups and scale-ups: Investor Map – Long Term-Funding Roadmap – Scale Up Map. Apply these tools to build a better startup instantly. Learn to negotiate with real life investors and build a better scale up strategy for your company – today.

Scale Up! is used by leading business schools, executive MBA programs, Accelerators, National Innovation Agencies, Boards of Directors, Top Management Teams, Strategy Leaders, and innovation clusters to develop more successful start-ups.

Accelerators in Silicon Valley, Switzerland and Norway like TINC, Katapult Ocean, Hatch are just a handful of global accelerators building better startups with Strategy Tools Accelerator Solutions.

Learn more:

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