Gceocentech cap investor

Webinar Series: Capital and Investor Programme (5)

23. March, 09:00 - 11:00

Our cluster friends at GCE Ocean Technology are offering NCE Finance Innovation members access to a webinar series which looks at how to develop business plans, interacting with investors, handling the investment process and building investor presentations.

No matter how great your product or business idea is – no matter how lean you are able to operate, more capital and financial leverage will almost inevitably be a necessity for most small and medium sized companies.

Securing an adequate capital base is therefore one of the most important tasks facing company leaders. Having the right capital base will – together with good capital allocation - help the company to grow profits and maximise shareholder returns.

Target Group

The courses are targeted towards entrepreneurs, CEO’s, CFO’s, Finance Managers, Business Developers and anyone working on scaling up their business.

The course modules can be taken separately, however we recommend to following every module to not miss out on important elements to understand what gives a good overall process. The slides and all written material will be presented in English, but the lectures will be given in Norwegian.

What you will Learn

The seminar series will introduce you to:

  • how to write a good business plan
  • how to scale and make growth plans for your company
  • how to handle the investment process and collaborate with different categories of investors
  • how to develop an investor presentation
  • how to present and promote your company in the financial markets

Each module last for two hours and is typically arranged as 2 * 45 minutes presentations followed by Q&A.

About the Lecturers

The course will be given by Idevekst Energi and guest speakers.

Participation and Costs

The courses are free and open for all.

Register for Courses (can be taken separately)

  • 16 February Webinar, 09:00 – 11:00: Real life stories and examples. A CEO/owner of a mature company which has worked with financial investors will share his experience. The purpose is to share the experience of how to work with financial owners as a CEO.

Register for this webinar

  • 24 February Webinar, 09:00 – 11:00: Preparations and Business Plan. How to adequately prepare for an investor process and to develop a business plan. The purpose is to give a good instruction on which topics to cover and how to organise and build a good index.

Register for this webinar

  • 9 March Webinar, 09:00 – 11:00: Investors and the investment process. We will describe and characterize the main types of investors. We will focus mainly on financial investors, but also cover industrial investors, seed capital, business angels, venture capital and private equity - and describe the differences.

Register for this webinar

  • 16 March Webinar, 09:00 – 11:00: Investor presentation. We will present how to write and give a good investor presentation.

Register for this webinar

  • 23 March Webinar, 09:00 – 11:00: Value creation, growth and exit. We will describe and present what it means and implies to work with active owners to implement a growth plan. Furthermore, we will focus on the exit phase – ie. preparations for sale of either part of the company or a complete 100 % sale.

    Organizer: GCE Ocean Technology


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