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State of play on climate impact webinar 1200x450

The State of Play on Climate Impacts and How Companies are Responding

13. October, 09:00 - 10:00
Zoom Webinar

Companies are feeling the pressure from many stakeholders to respond to climate change. What is the impact of this for corporate strategies and financial priorities? How can more robust disclosure strengthen trust around companies’ management of climate risks, as expectations grow for climate data to be as reliable as financial data?

Deloitte will update you on trends and insights into changing expectations and regulation as well as recommendations for how companies can respond to the EU Green Deal / the EU Taxonomy and the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Recommendations. Hydro will share experience of the company’s strategic response and the financial implications of this.


- Welcome
- Helena Barton and Hanne Solem will update you on trends and insight to changing expectations and regulations
- Jostein Søreide from Hydro will share their experience for how they respond to to these changing expectations and regulations
- Q&A

The webinar will be held in English and Norwegian.

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