Regtech Day brings together international regulation technology success stories about risk management, modern approaches to data management and sheds light on the development of future requirements.
This three-day online event gives you access to the latest insights, practical use cases and a network of colleagues working in financial regulation and technology.
Members of NCE Finance Innovation can attend for free, redeem your code here.
Meet speakers from OP Financial Group, Nordea, European Banking Authority, Invidem and many more!
Tuesday – Regulatory landscape and authorities
The focus of these sessions is to help understand central banks’ initiatives following the turbulence of 2020 and to focus on what lessons have been learned through COVID-19 and what might central banks look to implement here onwards? The day will also provide an overview of up and coming regulations and key focus areas for 2021.
Wednesday – Risk Management and RegTech
How to effectively manage legal, operational and security risks and how are different risk types combined in reporting? We will focus on these issues and the RegTech solutions here to make management easier. The sessions will also look into how financial firms are planning to reform their risk infrastructure and how to turn regulatory requirements into positive business outcomes.
Thursday – Data & Compliance
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” but is this philosophy present in a bank’s compliance structure or data landscape? Our final day’s sessions focus on these questions and deep dive into the interconnected relationship between data and modern compliance. We will also discuss what is cognitive compliance and can AI/ML transform compliance and banking? Case examples will include AML and KYC solutions.