Horizon eutope

Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe

26. October, 10:00 - 11:30

Join in on the Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe.

The event is hosted by The Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway, The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research and The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. This event is aimed at Norwegian businesses and is conducted in Norwegian.

Topics that will be covered:

- What is new in Horizon Europe?
- Horizon Europe in a Norwegian context
- Possibilities for Norwegian businesses

Confirmed speakers:

  • Henrik Asheim (forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister)
  • Iselin Nybø (nærings- og fiskeriminister)
  • Signe Ratso (visegeneraldirektør for forskning og innovasjon i EU-kommisjonen)
  • Marthe Stornes Nordtug (avtroppende forskningsråd ved EU-delegasjonen i Brussel),
  • Per Espen Stoknes (forsker, politiker og forfatter)
  • Anita Krohn Traaseth (styremedlem i European Innovation Council)
  • Alexandra Bech Gjørv (adm. Dir. SINTEF)
  • Håkon Haugli (adm.dir. Innovasjon Norge)
  • John-Arne Røttingen, adm. Dir. Forskningsrådet


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