Insurance event 2

Digital event: Insurance Innovation & Automation

23. February, 10:00 - 11:00

Building a Digital Ecosystem: Key Opportunities & Challenges - An Insurtech Case Study

Join us and meet Vidya Oruganti, Assistant Professor from the Norwegian School of Economics.

* This event is a part of the Digital Innovation for Growth (DIG) Centre collaboration.

Vidya will present a case study based on an established, large & traditional insurance company from Europe. It is set in the context of Health/Life Insurance, where this company adopted a paperless digital ecosystem-based approach to insurance. It later adopted this model to Auto insurance as well.

Practical information

This event is free for members of NCE Finance Innovation & DIG members.
Non-members: 500 NOK
This digital lecture will be held in English.
Zoom link will be sent prior to the event

Background for topic
To build an ecosystem around its product or service offering, a company may turn to a central technology platform. The known challenge with a platform context is to bring both sides on board -the end customers as well as other service providers like a partner and/or complementary companies. Price subsidization (usually for end customers) and gaining exclusive complementary partner companies have been some of the acknowledged ways to trigger adoption and participation on the platform (via indirect network effects).

However, having large exclusive partner companies may be risky as it can lead to monopoly and high costs to the platform. In addition to this, the platform also needs to balance the quantity vs the quality of partners and complementary offerings within its ecosystem. A crowd of irrelevant partner companies may eventually drive down the quality of bundled products/services being offered in the ecosystem. But too few partners may fail to build appeal and traction towards the platform and may indicate a lack of variety for the customers.

So, how can a company then balance this, and build its own platform-based ecosystem for its product/service offering? This guest lecture will discuss these points and walk you through a case study set within the InsurTech context.

About Vidya Orungati
Vidya Oruganti joined NHH Norwegian School of Economics in September 2021 as Assistant Professor, within its Digital Innovation for Growth (DIG) research center. Her research interests include ecosystems, technology platforms, business model innovations, social sustainability, and health tech. She is a qualitative researcher and places high significance on learning through interactions with industry stakeholders. She has actively participated in several European Union projects within a multidisciplinary setting. Her teaching includes topics such as Corporate Strategy, Innovation, Business Models, and Entrepreneurship.

Prior to joining NHH, she completed her Ph.D. from Grenoble Ecole de Management, France in 2021, and her Masters from London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. She has previously worked in the healthcare sector for 4 years and holds two other Masters in the field.


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