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Cyber Security in 20 minutes

05. May, 10:00 - 10:20

Roar Thon is a specialist director with the Norwegian National Security Authority, where he has served since 2003. Over 1500 public presentations about security and cybersecurity make Roar one of the most sought-after public speakers in Norway about this important and highly relevant topic.

Cyber security – A human challenge

It is easy to think that cybersecurity is just about technology, but that is far from the truth. Roar Thon will be joining us for a crisp 20-minute keynote to give his insights into some of the security challenges organizations face under today's increased threat level from cyber-criminals.

About the format

Cyber security has never been more important, given recent developments. NCE Finance Innovation would like to contribute to the understanding and response to this by starting a series of short talks on the topic.

We will be covering cyber security from many angles - ranging from national security authorities, research, solution providers, collaboration projects, and so on. And we would welcome any suggestions for speakers.

The format is simple: a 20-minute talk, but no questions - in order to keep it short.

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